The day started normal. I morning facebooked and discovered a friend request. (gasp) Except this friend was no friend of mine. (seriously people? that's what myspace is for - GOSH!) The requester? A young man named Justin Ross Lee. Profile pic: middle-parted, slick blonde hair and aviators. We even had mutual friends in common. (every girl in my office. red flag.) Hm. Hard to tell. I had to find out more.
Religious Views: "Supercharged Super Jew"
I should have stopped here. But it was too irresistible.
With nearly 1500 facebook friends and over 2000 pictures of himself (only 58 of which are tagged by "other friends"), I began to realize that I was dealing with a class act conundrum.
97 photo albums?!
It would take me days to truly understand this Rico Suave. Damn. I settled with skimming the tip of the iceberg.
The first few pictures seemed sort of normal. A few celebrities/models here and there. And then out of nowhere, we took a turn to Crazytown. I'm just going to copy this picture directly, along with the corresponding tags he originally crafted. I wish I could protect the faces of the innocent, but this is 2008. Privacy is a thing of the past.
"No one yanks a veil and crashes a disgusting over the hill 30-something bachelorette party like JLEE. Mohegan Sun."
In this photo: 24 months at best (photos), Oy vey (photos), Oy (photos), Nightmare on Face St. (photos), Running out of time (photos), Don't quit your day job (photos), I don't blame you for turning away (photos), Where did the rest of you go? (photos)
What else can you expect from this guy? Hand-scanned/tagged photographs from Hampton's Magazine of him and his boys of course. Albums entitled "Arrogant April" and "Decadent December". And if you don't believe he's a baller. Peep this:
Caption: "Cash Money Hoes"
Ahhhhhhhk - I just can't take it. People like this should have their balls cut off and be denied their ability to procreate! True, I spent a lot of time and energy writing this. But the chuckles along the way were so worth it. I don't feel bad, because dude, he's a glutton for sho. His phone number is listed. You have no idea the temptations that parade through my mind.
For a good time, friend request Justin Ross Lee. (facebook OR myspace, folks)