The day started normal. I morning facebooked and discovered a friend request. (gasp) Except this friend was no friend of mine. (seriously people? that's what myspace is for - GOSH!) The requester? A young man named Justin Ross Lee. Profile pic: middle-parted, slick blonde hair and aviators. We even had mutual friends in common. (every girl in my office. red flag.) Hm. Hard to tell. I had to find out more.
Religious Views: "Supercharged Super Jew"
I should have stopped here. But it was too irresistible.
With nearly 1500 facebook friends and over 2000 pictures of himself (only 58 of which are tagged by "other friends"), I began to realize that I was dealing with a class act conundrum.
97 photo albums?!
It would take me days to truly understand this Rico Suave. Damn. I settled with skimming the tip of the iceberg.
The first few pictures seemed sort of normal. A few celebrities/models here and there. And then out of nowhere, we took a turn to Crazytown. I'm just going to copy this picture directly, along with the corresponding tags he originally crafted. I wish I could protect the faces of the innocent, but this is 2008. Privacy is a thing of the past.
"No one yanks a veil and crashes a disgusting over the hill 30-something bachelorette party like JLEE. Mohegan Sun."
In this photo: 24 months at best (photos), Oy vey (photos), Oy (photos), Nightmare on Face St. (photos), Running out of time (photos), Don't quit your day job (photos), I don't blame you for turning away (photos), Where did the rest of you go? (photos)
What else can you expect from this guy? Hand-scanned/tagged photographs from Hampton's Magazine of him and his boys of course. Albums entitled "Arrogant April" and "Decadent December". And if you don't believe he's a baller. Peep this:
Caption: "Cash Money Hoes"
Ahhhhhhhk - I just can't take it. People like this should have their balls cut off and be denied their ability to procreate! True, I spent a lot of time and energy writing this. But the chuckles along the way were so worth it. I don't feel bad, because dude, he's a glutton for sho. His phone number is listed. You have no idea the temptations that parade through my mind.
For a good time, friend request Justin Ross Lee. (facebook OR myspace, folks)
I want to be his friend.....I feel like I am reading about my self....he rocks!
Hi there. my best friend and i just spent maybe 2 hours looking thru these effing ridiculous pics of this guy. we typed in his name on google to see who the hell he was and found your posting and we agree with EVERYTHING. his captions are hilariously and stupidly pompous and his pics are laughable. check out the ones with his ex gf heidi..... thanks for sharing our amusement!
Too funny! I was just facebooked by this guy and (welcome to the 21st century) I decided I needed to google him. Well your blog came up. Thank you for making my day! I couldn't have written anything better.
Oh PEEJ - why did you have to bring Heidi into it? It's not her fault she looks good in pictures.
In any case - you are right...Justin is hillarious...completely pompous and over the top - but I guess it takes knowing him in person maybe over a month to realize that he is just making fun of the social stigmas which are consistently broadcasted at every corner in this completely demoralized society we live in. He just takes it to the next level. So yah - you can decide to be a hater, but you'll laugh a lot more if you embrace the whole "pompous douchebag" thing.
In any case...I absolutely support this page and JRL.
Big kisses and best wishes,
FRAUD: In this modern era, be wary of anyone who becomes ridiculously famous for no apparent reason other than posing and attending parties. Also by connecting with people that you do not know personally, you risk opening yourself up to scams and promotional schemes you may not be interested in. We are living in strange and surreal times. Hopefully this guy JRL is just a mild distraction. But his Zelig like persona may be masking something else entirely. I met the guy briefly and he seemed harmless. Not sure he is a hustler, but it does not strike me as though his goal is a reality show or fame for the sake of fame. And lastly, if you were truly living the high life, would you not be happy enough to maintain a degree of privacy about it? Why would you need celebrity if you have all this money?
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