"Sex and the City: The Movie. It got panned by critics, the girls all look haggard and old, and who has ordered a Cosmo since 1999? The TV show ruined a generation of single American women, and the film is about to ruin another."
I was sitting at lunch with 3 other twenty-something women yesterday and this weekend's long-awaited premier came up in discussion. "I've already bought my tickets for Friday night! I got enough for me and all my friends!" *exasperated look of orgasmic joy* Looking back, I hope my jaw didn't drop to the floor. To me, this translates: "I can't keep a steady boyfriend, but my girls will always be there. And if my girls aren't always there, at least I'll have my SATC DVD set and Carrie's wise words to get me through".
That is harsh. Even for me. But here is the irony of it all. I'm debating whether or not to Fandango my premier tickets tonight or tomorrow morning at work. I can't wait. I know a few people who have already seen screenings or previews or whatever and I'm dying to get a review. I heard it's over 2 hours. 2 hours!!! I saw them filming this shit all over NYC around the time I moved here last year. I mean, maybe I'm in it!
Now I never watched the show when it was popular. No seriously. I'm not sure what I was doing while all my female counterparts were pouring wine and having girl-time, but I surely wasn't participating. Carrie didn't make me want to start writing and the show certainly didn't make me want to move to New York. I've only seen a few episodes here and there, but now I have the urge to go out, purchase the seasons, and have a marathon. I'm totally buying in on the hype. Tomorrow I will buy our tickets online. I would say that I'll try to talk my boyfriend into going with me, but in all actuality, I bet he wants to see it too.
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