Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the eastern epidemic

I'm convinced that Asian people are really tired. I live in Queens, so my commute on the subway is like a (what's the term these days?) melting pot, salad bowl, bread basket - whatever. I look around and - yeah I'm always tired...but - the majority of these Asian folk have their heads bent over like a damn corpse. I swear I saw drool dripping on a stranger's shoulder this morning. Poor guy, he was way too into that book to notice.

That's not the only strange thing I've concluded with my asinine generalizations. They really like to work out whenever possible. This could take place just about anywhere. Let's take a parking lot for instance. For the first few months here in NY, I commuted via bus to work. (yeah it sucked) Without fail, the bus would pull up to the park-and-ride and all passengers sprinted off the stinking bus (I once had an Asian chick fall asleep on me by the way - just remembered that and wasn't even planning on putting it in here - but more cause to my point). There was an old Asian woman who lived in the parking lot (my personal conclusion) and when the bus pulled up in the evenings, she was always there, swinging her arms around. Sometimes she had weights. I don't know why, but it annoyed the hell out of me. I always wanted to run up and scream "what are you doing?!". Shoulda coulda woulda.

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