Sunday, May 18, 2008

part of your balanced breakfast

I think it's only fair to let everyone know that I have succumbed to the pressure of alcohol. I made it a full 11 days. But after countless refusals at dinner "Just water, please", and tests from my boyfriend "Mmm, this is good. Want a sip?", I finally realized that maybe the principle wasn't a good enough reason to say bye-bye to Lindeman's Framboise altogether. The real principle is, it isn't healthy to have a glass of wine with every meal, or slosh it out every weekend with vodka T's. I think I get my point.

So last night we had dinner at The Park. Complete with steamed artichoke/with lemon beurru blanc, bufala mozzarella/tomato/basil, and a prosciutto/arugula salad pizza. And as two ladies across the room from us poured out their meaty, purple Sangria, I wonderful a glass of such sweet nectar would taste in addition to the food we had just ordered.

So we did. We ordered a pitcher and I had two, brimming glasses. It was the best Sangria I've had in NY thus far. Sure I felt a little guilty. A lot guilty. I was really proud of myself. This morning, I have developed a mild aching in the upper region above my neck. But I still feel OK with this. Besides, Mem Wknd was sure to be a **** show, if I had really waited until such date to resume alcoholic intake.

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