Monday, April 21, 2008

going on four hours

After flying in on the red-eye from Colorado this morning, I am struggling to keep my eyes open.

Having briefly lived in Idaho as a child, I was excited to visit out west, if anything, to remember what it was like.

I've had it set in my mind (and we all know, that's not an easy thing to dislodge) that I would only consider living in NYC or San Francisco - ultimately. But I have to say, I was impressed enough to add this city to my selective list.

At first, the mile-high altitude gave me a dull, persistent headache. So I drank liters of water while given the grand tour.

It is nice being close to the sun, and still having an amazingly chilly breeze. And while I am consistently turned on by towering, man-made city structures, I have to say that the mountainous backdrop is a close competitor.

Everyone there is active, and I love this. We went hiking and biking and running. We played golf and baseball. The night-life leaves something to be desired, but I have a feeling that it's not one of their bragging rites to begin with. It's official, NYC has made me a party snob.

All of this has turned my Statue-of-Liberty-Snow-Globe life upside down. I didn't anticipate being enticed by any place other than the climatic city in which I currently reside.

I honestly didn't think the grass could be greener, until it was.

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