Friday, April 25, 2008


I wonder what is worse: being in a place where everyone knows you, or being in a place where nobody knows you.

I was ridiculously weary of seeing the same faces everyday. I used to yearn for the days when I could walk anonymously down the streets of NY. This is one of the real beauties in living here. I went from living next door to the mayor, to living with perfect strangers.

It really gets lonely though. I forget that I have no one here. No family members, no childhood friends. No familiar face that I've intimately known longer than a few months.

At dinner conversations, I find myself lost in a sea of names without faces and sometimes faces without names. Is it worse to never have to introduce yourself, or repeatedly quoting your rehearsed introduction throughout the day?

Someone called me "Payley" yesterday. Honestly? I didn't even correct them. I should start using pseudo names for my own personal entertainment.

"Yes, I'm from the South. I know, not much of an accent. Thank you. I never had much to begin with and do my best to restrain it. I work in midtown at a media agency - for LG. I went to USC. No. Not SoCal. SoCo."

Don't look so damn disappointed. I'm just as disappointed to toss out my self-synopsis to another person I'll probably never see again.

I wish I could hop in my car and drive over to a friend's house. Order some crap food with a day's worth of empty calories and gossip about all of the people we know, all too well.

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