Saturday, February 16, 2008

a bedtime story

He started out as the guy she casually ran into at the $2 bourbon bar. She was brilliantly amused by his quick wit and charm. This much they had in common immediately. In a social setting, there was no arguing that they fed off of each other's energy - in a mutually beneficial manner. There was no competitive edge, aside from the delightful dimples their faces shared. "We really should go out together more often", she said. He agreed.

They were drawn together by an addiction. An addiction to a lifestyle, and each other. It spiraled into an intricate web of relationships and expectations. They spent an unhealthy amount of time together - to the point where he awoke on her mind, and was the last to be in her presence.

The night she woke up calling his name, they both knew they were in too deep. As most addictions go, the culmination reaches its peak. The breaking point is hardly a simple event. Goodbye, lust? Infatuation? Love? You are a vague memory in a plume of purple haze.

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